[development] Drupal 7 - views

Ms. Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Mon May 2 00:54:03 UTC 2011

In general, I don't split the module up until it gets to some point in size, 
which is just a judgment call. Then the first thing I look at is splitting the 
admin functions out to mymodule.admin.inc. If it keeps getting bigger, I look at 
what the functions are and which ones they use. If a function is not used 
commonly, I will split it off. I suspect my call on that is from the early days 
of my career when commercial virtual memory was in its early days too and we 
worried about "locality of reference." I know PHP is different to some extent, 
but I like to keep calling and called code near each other to reduce page 
faults. That's also why I try to keep "one time" (actually only 
infreqent) calls, such as hook_menu(), separated from the more active code in my 
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.


From: Iain William Wiseman
Will be looking a views again tonight (day job to do!). I am looking into 
helping out port LinkedIn to Drupal 7 but felt I might be best just getting a 
simple view/database module going first. I do have on question with regard to 
building the code though, is there a standard approach to where to put the bits. 
I understand .install and .info but where how to split up the pages seems 
unclear to me.
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