[development] Removing variables

Ms. Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Thu May 26 23:13:57 UTC 2011

It is not uncommon to just delete them straight from the database table using "mymodule_%". Just make sure you are the only one using that namespace.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

From: Peter Anderson
>I have a module that uses quite a few variables and would like to remove them in my hook_uninstall() function, but I don't want to have to list them all manually...
>I see three ways to do this:
>1 - Run variable_del() for each variable manually
>2 - List all variables then remove the ones that start with my module's name
>3 - Delete variables directly from the database that start with my module's name
>I'm obviously trying to avoid #1.
>I've used #2 before (http://drupalbin.com/18718) but am worried about the possible performance implications of running a foreach() on every variable in Drupal... Is this good or not?
>I'd prefer not to resort to using SQL to delete variables from the database directly as in #3, but this may be the only recommended option... 
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