[development] Drupal 7 CCK fields in separate tables - why?

Mukesh Agarwal mukesh.agarwal17 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 05:35:28 UTC 2011

Hi Everyone,

I'm sure I'm asking a question that people might have been asking for long.
Please bear my ignorance on following all the development threads.

I'm right now designing information architecture for one of my clients in
Drupal 7 and it turns out that there are many attributes associated to the
entities. Now that CCK fields are all stored in separate tables, my node
pages now have sql queries that have numerous joins and the performance goes
for a toss.

Does anyone know a good reason for moving from the previous schema? Single
valued cck fields are in the content type and multiple valued fields form a
new table. What was wrong with that?

Mukesh Agarwal
Innoraft Solutions <http://www.innoraft.com>  || +91 8017220799
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