[development] Quiz Module - individual record for Multichoice answers

Larry Garfield larry at garfieldtech.com
Sat Oct 29 05:17:32 UTC 2011

This question should really be asked in the Quiz issue queue.  The vast 
majority of people on this list are not Quiz developers or users.

--Larry Garfield

On 10/28/2011 10:22 AM, Sergio Rodolfo Gattas wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to know in which table of the database results are saved for each
> user to multiple choice questions. I review the model and only get to
> see that the table is saved quiz_multichoice_user_answers a record (id,
> result_id, question_nid, question_vid) is linked
> with quiz_multichoice_user_answer_multi the table (id = user_answer_id),
> and in the latter table is an additional column (answer_id) which
> I think will refer to the detail but I can not find that table.
>  >From already thank you for any help,
> regards,
> Sergio

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