[development] Process in code when experiencing an install error in a custom module

Darren Oh darrenoh at sidepotsinternational.com
Sun Oct 7 03:25:59 UTC 2012

I hadn’t thought of doing that. Sounds like it should be best practice. Thanks for bringing it up.

On Oct 6, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Jeff Greenberg wrote:

> I'm curious what others are building into their module install process in the event of an error partway through. For example, if your install script creates one or more bundles, fields and field instances, if an error occurs at some point during that process, do you handle it all like a transaction and back out what you have created to that point? 
> My instinct would be to do that, though I realize it can get complicated, such as the event where some of the fields that were to be created earlier on in the process already existed, etc. I'm asking, though, because of the several modules I've looked at so far, none seem to be doing this.

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