[development] RE : Advice on module writing

John Summerfield summer at js.id.au
Sun Apr 7 22:55:29 UTC 2013

On 07/04/13 22:26, fgm wrote:
> You should probably avoid table sharing, and don't need it if you use domain or OG to partition content.

I tried really hard to explain that I tried both og and domains and that 
neither works for me. og is good to partition of content for a special 
interest group such as prolog programmers in a computer club.

domain doesn't work because it wants to show me all the shared content 
I'm allowed to see whichever site I am viewing.

In my case, everyone has to be known at birdiya.example.com, so sharing 
users seems simple and good.

While all my sites share a common domain name, and that is what I 
intend, I don't intend to require it. If Wagerup wants to join in and 
already owns wagerup.example.net we can use that.

birdiya.example.com should have been birdiya.example.org, but that 
shouldn't matter.

Sharing user's isn't the greatest of my concerns, the other solutions 
fail because they do not share content the way I want to.

> If you want really separate sites, use a SSO solution. Since all your sites are under the same domain like example.org, you could use the simple and rather efficient bakery module.
> ________________________________________
> De : development-bounces at drupal.org [development-bounces at drupal.org] de la part de John Summerfield [summer at js.id.au]
> Date d'envoi : dimanche 7 avril 2013 12:18
> À : development at drupal.org
> Objet : [development] Advice on module writing
> I've had a look at the domain modules and organic groups and neither
> seems to do what I want.
> What I want is to create a domain/site structure like this:
> widgiemootha.example.org,
> wiluna.example.org,
> witchcliffe.example.org
> wagin.example.org
> wyalkatchem.example.org
> www.example.org
> birdiya.example.com
> Membership between all sites will be shared, but individuals might not
> actually be members of any particular site.
> Drupal's multisite allows sharing tables and so membership. As far as it
> goes, that is fine.
> Content associated with a site will only be visible at that site.
> A site's content at some paths, such as /About will override all others
> at that path.
> A site with nothing at /About _might_ inherit from birdiya, the boss
> site. On the other hand, /News might merge news from friends.
> Content shared with other sites will be visible at other sites.
> Aggegator is similar in content, but sharing will be explicit.
> One idea I have is to extend the node to have two more fields: owning
> site-id, and sharing attributes.
> I tried the domain modules, but when I was associated with two sites I
> got two /About menu items, and the implementation shared users behaved a
> little oddly: I want to switch back and forth between sites, maybe by
> choosing them from a list of links, and not to have any problems with
> sessions management or with access.
> The first question is, is it in order to modify the node table? I've
> googled and googled and not found an answer to that question.

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