[drupal-docs] video documentation samples; take one.

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sat Mar 26 17:01:46 UTC 2005

Ian Ward wrote:

> Hi Anisa,
^.^  hi!

> One of the main reasons we've decided to make video documentation is 
> for capacity building materials for clients with small staff, some 
> with high staff turnover, limited technical skills, and only spanish 
> speaking.  Handing the client a CD with videos on how to use their 
> website will be an easier and more sustainable way to show them how to 
> use their website/update it/modify it.  We also think this will 
> benefit many other clients who are in the USA w/ large and small staff 
> alike, english speaking, limited or moderate techincal skills.  It 
> will provide an alternative to written documentation, and seeing it 
> once will also show folks how easy it is to make changes on the 
> website - like see it to believe it's that easy.
You want to sic Drupal on innocent hispanics?  ^.^

Okay.  So the idea is to remove the barrier of *language* and just SHOW 
it.  I think you have a good start, and a lot of guts.

I wondered about this from the start, but seeing your reasons I wonder 
more...  I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but what's the voice 
over for?  What role do you imagine it playing in this scene?

A nice synergy would be if you had this video, and then had something 
like Kieran's nav tutorial installed on the site so they could 
experience it themselves. 

Have you take a look at any other video tutorials for CMSes?  Those can 
also be good sources of ideas for where to go.

For the kind of audience you want to be able to appeal to, it's really 
important to slow down and break it down to the smallest denominator.  
Make it straight forward.  I can never understand what my boss is saying 
because he always uses the most convoluted Japanese and never gets to 
the point.  ^.^;;


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