[drupal-docs] Transitioning to header-free book pages (was Re:Styleguide)

Ron Mahon ron at inmrc.com
Sun May 1 10:46:24 UTC 2005

Count me in the "love it section".
It's 99 in usability IMHO

The only negative I can see is if the book module is to be discontinued we
should not use it.
I also believe that use of nodes should be changed via aliases. For at least
two reasons.
Search engine friendly.
User friendly

This would allow the moving of the present pages with out braking the
incoming links

Could The paging be done with CSS?


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-----Original Message-----
From: puregin [mailto:puregin at puregin.org] 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:54 PM
To: drupal-docs at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [drupal-docs] Transitioning to header-free book pages (was

Hello all,

     I believe that one of the fundamental issues dividing us on the
question of removing heading markup from book nodes has to do with the
presentation of the resulting document.

I agree with Bryan that the existing presentation of 'clean' sections is not
intuitive, in that readers expect to see sections in some kind of context.

I have been experimenting with book module to help with this.  My idea is to
present something that looks a little more like, for example, Adobe Acrobat,
or MS Word, where there is always a 'page view scroll' together with a tree
for navigation.

     My early results can be seen at


I welcome any feedback.

I'm basically presenting a 'printer-friendly version'
as a view for the section being viewed.

I hope that this first step will support editors in the need for having
sections be true sections (one section per node), while readers will
continue to see sections in the context of the page flow.

There's some issues to consider:

    - if we are viewing  a high-level section, then the view may be quite
long if there are many and/or long subsections.
A simple solution is to trim all text
following the first 'child'.

So viewing the following document

     +--Chapter 1
     |            |
           +-- Section 1
     |            |         |
     |            |         + Subsection 1.1
     |            |
     |           --- Section 2
     |            |
     |           --- Section 3
     --- Chapter 2

would display Chapter 1 and all of its subsections, but not Chapter 2 or

A classy but probably difficult thing to do would be to 'page' the HTML, so
that one could navigate through it page by page.

   - we'll probably also need to rethink the navigation:
the whole 'prev/up/next' business can probably be dispensed with (?)

Please do let me know what you think - love it, hate it, suggestions for

     Many thanks,


On 28 Apr 2005, at 11:52 AM, bryan kennedy wrote:

> I guess I don't love this solution.  Seems very hard to navigate 
> compared to a single longer document.  But let's leave this discussion 
> for individual documentation sections once we get started rewriting 
> and authoring new content.  I think everything will make more sense 
> when we start from the top down on the new books.  We can always 
> revise the style if needs be.
> bryan
> --
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