[drupal-docs] handbook

mystavash at animecards.org mystavash at animecards.org
Sun May 1 14:38:18 UTC 2005

Bryan has made the books here:


As a note, with regard to moving old handbook into new handbook...  It's great
to not break links, but I think caution is required here...  you don't want to
do this prematurely.

lovin' vacation.

Quoting Dries Buytaert <dries at buytaert.net>:

> Do I need to setup the new root books, or has that been taken care of?  
> I think any site maintainer can set these up.  Let me know what needs 
> to be done to get this rolling.
> --
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/
> -- 
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