[drupal-docs] Transitioning to header-free book pages (was Re: Styleguide)

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Sun May 1 19:17:12 UTC 2005

On 1 May 2005, at 1:22 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> On 01 May 2005, at 01:53, puregin wrote:
>> Please do let me know what you think - love it, hate it,
>> suggestions for improvement?
> I found it confusing for two reasons: (i) your example page is way too
> long and (ii) I can't determine the page's structure in less than 3
> seconds.

     I agree with both of these observations.  I'll keep thinking about
ways to 1) present context without making the pages too long, and
2) make structure manifest

> People don't read web pages from the first word to the last, they
> merely scan them in order to (i) determine the structure and (ii) to
> find that one paragraph they need.  When you write for the web, there
> shouldn't be any noise; sentences should be brief and to the point.
> Pages should be short, allowing users to see and understand the page at
> a glance.  I think short pages which clear structure are preferred.

      Sometimes (depending on the nature of the book) people use
books this way, too.  Print has lots of conventions and an
amazingly good interface to support this.   I agree that web
content need extra attention to make it usable in this way.

> I suggest we go with your earlier suggestion: (i) don't use headings in
> book pages, (ii) create a new node for each heading and (iii) at all
> cost, avoid book pages deeper than level 3 or 4.

      May I have maintainer permissions for the handbook on
Drupal.org in order to bring existing handbook pages in
line with this?  I will not change any other aspect of content.

      Impact on existing links to handbook: content on a
linked-to page may end up in a child page (subsection) of the
existing page.

     Regards, Djun

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