[drupal-docs] Difference between a "story" and a "page"

Dries Buytaert dries at buytaert.net
Sun May 1 08:29:42 UTC 2005

On 01 May 2005, at 01:35, Dan Robinson wrote:
>  BTW - I think that the use of the word "node" is a loser from the 
> beginning - most people will simply tune out when you talk about 
> "node".  I think that we might do well by talking about a drupal 
> "story" which can be used to create - a "static web page", a "blog" 
> entry, a "news item" etc. etc. (not to mention a "forum" post :) ).

Dan, Drupal's web interface does not expose the user to the word 
'node'.  It uses the word 'post'.  If you find an occurrence of the 
word 'node' in the output Drupal generates, that would be a minor bug.  
Similarly, user-oriented documentation should use the word 'post' 
rather than 'node'.

(Could the one maintaining the documentation writing guide, add that to 
the guide?  I keep forgetting the guide's URL.)

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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