[drupal-docs] Difference between a "story" and a "page"

Dan Robinson dan at civicactions.com
Sun May 1 08:34:54 UTC 2005

Post away then :)


>On 01 May 2005, at 01:35, Dan Robinson wrote:
>> BTW - I think that the use of the word "node" is a loser from the 
>>beginning - most people will simply tune out when you talk about 
>>"node".  I think that we might do well by talking about a drupal 
>>"story" which can be used to create - a "static web page", a "blog" 
>>entry, a "news item" etc. etc. (not to mention a "forum" post :) ).
>Dan, Drupal's web interface does not expose the user to the word 
>'node'.  It uses the word 'post'.  If you find an occurrence of the 
>word 'node' in the output Drupal generates, that would be a minor bug.  
>Similarly, user-oriented documentation should use the word 'post' 
>rather than 'node'.
>(Could the one maintaining the documentation writing guide, add that to 
>the guide?  I keep forgetting the guide's URL.)
>Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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