[drupal-docs] Difference between a "story" and a "page"

Boris Mann boris.bryght at gmail.com
Sun May 1 19:14:28 UTC 2005

The usage of the different node types comes down to "best practices".
We tend to describe them in terms of how we think they should be used.

blog - an individual blog post is no different from story or page BUT
 * each user has a unique address that shows "their" posts -- blog/[userid]
 * each blog post has a link back to this unique address -- Boris Mann's blog
 * each 
 * blog module has a "Recent Blog Posts" block

NOTE: Ber has code to turn a "blog" into a container type much like
book pages -- that any node types can be added to

My "Overview of Node Types" explains this in detail --

Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747 / San Francisco 415-367-3595
IM boris_mann at jabber.org / SKYPE borismann

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