[drupal-docs] Difference between a "story" and a "page"

Dan Robinson dan at civicactions.com
Sun May 1 19:57:46 UTC 2005

To tell you the truth this all seems pretty arbitrary and confusing.  
The reality seems to be that from a technical point of view story and 
page are the same thing.  The diff between blog and forum post is that 
each of these types have some "wrapping" (they are really just posts 
that some other code in blog and forum treat differently)  that makes it 
behave a certain way within a particular context.  Book pages are 
somewhat of a different story.  While I understand the "best practices" 
stuff I think that all of this leads to quite a lot of confusion.  I 
will attempt to make a pass at some constructive suggestions very soon.

>The usage of the different node types comes down to "best practices".
>We tend to describe them in terms of how we think they should be used.
>blog - an individual blog post is no different from story or page BUT
> * each user has a unique address that shows "their" posts -- blog/[userid]
> * each blog post has a link back to this unique address -- Boris Mann's blog
> * each 
> * blog module has a "Recent Blog Posts" block
>NOTE: Ber has code to turn a "blog" into a container type much like
>book pages -- that any node types can be added to
>My "Overview of Node Types" explains this in detail --

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