[drupal-docs] Drupal documentation coordinator

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sun May 8 11:38:21 UTC 2005

Hm.  This sounds fun, and no one has ever really accused me of actually 
having humility.  ;)

My views on existing documentation and the future of it are probably 
well known to everyone.  I can't explain it in technical terms of 
usability like Kieran can, but you know when something is well written 
or well explained.  I've always thought that it takes someone who really 
knows what they're talking about to explain something technical to an 
average person.  In the absense of these hypothetical people, you get a 
lot of techiness, which is great if the user is the same as you.  We run 
into problems because they aren't. 

That said, I am not, as often said, one of the technical people here.  I 
am not stupid.  ^.^  I'm pretty bright.  I understand, in a general 
sense, from reading assorted documentation, how Drupal works, how 
functions work in general.  But I'm not a programmer; I know, I tried, 
and they couldn't even produce a decent textbook then to explain what 
they were talking about.  ;p

I think that's a plus, really.  ^.^  As for ability to coordinate, I 
have done it with ACO in coordinating donations from over 20 different 
sources.  It gets a little more complicated when you realize sometimes I 
get five offers to donate the same set..  ;p  I used to do it for a 
manga translation project; and I do it at work.  Quite frankly, it's a 
pain.  ^.^ 

I apply to this because I think I can help, and I like helping.  For 
some reason that is beyond explanation, I find this stuff fun.  I would 
help with the same enthusiasm regardless of the outcome of this, and 
complain with the same obnoxiousness over wordy paragraphs.  We're all 
in this for the same thing.  Ne?  :)


Dries Buytaert wrote:

>Hello world,
>now the Drupal documentation mailing list has been established and we 
>have a clue about how we are about to approach this, I think it would 
>be a good idea to assign a "Drupal documentation (team) coordinator".
>The responsibilities of such coordinator would be (i) to determine the 
>priorities and direction of Drupal's documentation, (ii) to maintain 
>policies and style/markup guides, (iii) to ensure the consistency and 
>the quality of Drupal's documentation and (iv) make final calls in 
>certain decisions.  Much like I oversee core development (and Drupal in 
>general), the Drupal documentation coordinator must oversee Drupal's 
>documentation writing efforts.  Ideally, (v) such coordinator would be 
>familiar with Drupal's innards so he or she can help steer, develop and 
>maintain the resources surrounding the Drupal documentation (i.e. help 
>with the development of the book module).
>If this is considered a good idea, I'll assign someone the role of 
>Drupal documentation coordinator.  If you are interested in the job, 
>raise your hand, and plug yourself in a couple paragraphs.  Send your 
>application to this mailing list for everyone to read and comment.  
>Once assigned, he or she will be a "Benevolent Dictator for Life" until 
>(i) he or she resigns or (ii) until I replace him or her.
>I know this does not sound very democratic, but let us keep it simple 
>for now.  At this point, it is very much a test-case. If the 
>"coordinator model" works, I'd be happy to extend it to other aspects 
>of Drupal.  Much like Drupal, the "coordinator model" might evolve over 
>time.  Step by step.  Thanks.
>Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/
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