[drupal-docs] Developing vs Empowering : Or how the wording inside Drupal/CS affects a sites design

bryan kennedy digital at mysteryexperience.com
Mon May 9 16:39:56 UTC 2005

On May 8, 2005, at 5:39 PM, Sean Robertson wrote:

> With regard to the create content links, I think perhaps in  
> addition to that
> create content list, there should be a link in the navigation going  
> directly
> to the post form for whichever content type is relevant to the  
> current page.
> For instance, if you're browsing the forum, "New Forum Topic"  
> should be
> right there at the top of the navigation box (the link should also  
> inherit
> the taxonomy for whichever forum you were browsing).

With regards to the Drupal Handbook, we already have something like  
this.  When you are browsing the book module you have the option of  
"adding a child node" to any particular book page from the screen you  
might be browsing.  Does anyone think this should be more prominent  
or differently labeled?


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