[drupal-docs] Customizing applications pages - was: minor correction

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Mon May 9 20:55:31 UTC 2005

On 9 May 2005, at 12:58 PM, Anisa wrote:

>  Hm.  Why can't I see these from the main config handbook page?  
> Because they're in queue?  But then people can't see what you're 
> working on unless they go from the wiki page, not intuitive.
>  So perhaps someone needs to clear up the queue?  This is no good, 
> people who need the permissions haven't got them.

      In the interests of making these pages available for review and 
editing, I have taken the liberty of approving them.  They should all 
be visible now:   http://drupal.org/node/22361

      One immediate suggestion:  there's a lot of repetition of 
"Configuring and customizing" in the titles.  Would it make sense to 
shorten the titles to the name of the application?


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