[drupal-docs] Application documentation sprint

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Tue May 10 06:24:35 UTC 2005

In the interest of the documentation sprint notice that was posted on 
drupal.org earlied today, I spent a couple of hours this evening doing 
some revising.  I would encourage everyone else to slow down on the 
other discussion and step up to the plate :)

My formatting may not be consistent, but here it is, added into the wiki 
pages new versions for admin/help :)

I've revised drupal.module, book.module, and locale.module:

* drupal.module was missing information about the DrupalID and was a 
little geekified

* book.module is now a little more concise and less "terminology" heavy.

* locale.module now describes how to create an alternative language and 
is less new language creation-centric (i.e., it doesn't just pitch 
itself as a way to translate a site).

Also added some docs for notify, private message and trackbacks by 
revising some of the civicspace guide documentation 

*notify is pretty self explanatory on the admin page, so the description 
is fairly short. same with private message.

Other things:

* Someone might want to take a look at the taxonomy.module help docs. I 
created the handbook version of taxonomy help a while back:

http://drupal.org/node/299 (see sub pages, too)

It was never updated into the admin help. It's definitely more detailed.

* If there is a large concentrated effort here, and Kieran can get this 
into Drupal core 4.6 as an update (why not; it's not code), it would be 
great to see if Dries would release a 4.6.1 version as soon as it's 
committed. That way the documentation gets out there asap. Ought to help 
minimize support just a little.

Anyway, gotta go for now. That's my contribution. I'm trying to write a 
100 pages of dissertation this month (I've only got about 30 so far), so 
it's unlikely you'll see me writing documentation tomorrow.


BTW: My personal opinion is that the collaborative book works much 
better for this than the wiki. I normally just compose in Dreamweaver 
(or sometimes Nvu) and then just cut and paste the code. The wiki 
requires too much hand formatting. Or at least, an HTML wiki would be 
much easier.

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