[drupal-docs] Regarding the drupal help documentation

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Tue May 10 17:29:30 UTC 2005

On May 10, 2005, at 9:34 AM, Dan Robinson wrote:

> Please excuse my lack of knowledge, stupidity and refusal
> to do thorough research before jumping into this matter - but I wanted
> to *do* something and now that I have I feel like we can have a
> conversation about it.

1. We are talking about /admin/help documentation.  Technically you  
can refer to it as the module function hook_help().

2. If you look back at the archives you will see a thread starting on  
April 2nd and going through April 17th called Tasks for Drupal  
Documentation writers.  That summarizes an effort to start reducing  
the long help texts and move them into the handbook.  If you want to  
see the patches I believe they were committed by Stephan.

3. We know that we don't have the right functionality for admin/ 
help.  There have been several requests for documentation  
development.   We are lucky enough to have Djun, Drumm, and Stephan  
who are currently working patches to help out with the  
documentation.  But for now we have to make the best of what we have go.

Can I get back to writing documentation now?

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