[drupal-docs] A question for those in tune

Ron Mahon ron at inmrc.com
Wed May 11 00:09:19 UTC 2005

I agree with Judah that we should eat our own children. We should use The
Drupal forum, project "Modules" etc. to organize this project.
I am reminded of a time last year where Dries wanted to move the support
mail list to a forum. it seamed that every one was against this, including
Well after a short time the support list has very few pieces of mail a week
and the bug list rocks on. It is accountable and captures all the sides of
the communications. I suspect the same response from this group. . .
We have the ability to sign up for notices of additions to a post. That was
one the biggest objections (having to login)
Let all those that enjoy reading the same post over and over stand up and
complain. Just don't stop writing.
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From: judah [mailto:judah at drumbeatinsight.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 7:43 PM
To: drupal-docs at drupal.org
Subject: [drupal-docs] A question for those in tune

I've kindof been following along and I *feel* like things are really moving
forward now. But I've had to do other things for the last week or so and so
I haven't been able to read all these threads. 

But I want to pretend like I am someone that came along just now and wanted
to help out with documentation. My question I present to you is, "Is there a
place where I can go to see all the things that need to be done and at that
place is there another place that outlines the style guideline and any other
things I should know before writing or editing the documentation?"* 

I really haven't been following along to know this yet but may I suggest we
use the project module (on drupal or somewhere else) for a todo list for
documentation writers. 

Best Regards,
* In monotone - Is there a place where I can go to see all the things that
need to be done and at that place is there another place that outlines the
style guideline and any other things I should know before writing or editing
the documentation?



 1. To look at attentively; observe closely.

 2. To look upon or consider in a particular way.

 3. To hold in esteem or respect: She regards her teachers highly.

 4. To relate or refer to; concern: This item regards their liability. 


 1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality; most
excellent: the best performer; the best grade of ore.

 2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable: the best
solution; the best time for planting.

 3. Greatest; most: He spoke for the best part of an hour.

 4. Most highly skilled: the best doctor in town.
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