[drupal-docs] Marketing subset of Team Documentation

bryan kennedy digital at mysteryexperience.com
Fri May 13 15:28:51 UTC 2005

On May 13, 2005, at 1:38 AM, Boris Mann wrote:
> I'll volunteer to do a bunch of writing for this section, just wanted
> to bring it to everyone's attention that this is a part of the
> handbook that warrants a very different writing style. In fact, it
> might be good to have it very visually pleasing, maybe even with
> (gasp!) screenshots.

I think that's great Boris.  It's awesome you picked up on this so  
quick.  I just got that page up last night.  Please go crazy on it.   
I am all for images in there.  Maybe the aggregator should be part of  
the main features page (http://drupal.org/handbook/drupal/features)  
since like you said it is unique to Drupal.  I fixed on HTML problem  
with a list you had in there.


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