[drupal-docs] Marketing subset of Team Documentation

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Sat May 14 07:48:21 UTC 2005

Boris Mann wrote:
> I was just reading through some recent edits to the "features"  
> section and came to the realization that the writing for that  
> particular section needs to be completely different than documentation.

I know I'm a little late to responding to this, but in looking at the 
newest pages added to About Drupal v.2, I'm wondering what the target 
audience is?  For instance, after the intro, the first key terms 
introduced (via "Why Drupal?") are

Standards Compliant
Here to Stay
Open Source

These key terms probably target web designers and developers only. For 
other audiences--an IT administrator interested in implementing Drupal 
for his infrastructure but not sure what it does, an individual user on 
the web looking for a personal weblog or community blog who may know a 
little about blogging and wants to find out how Drupal is similar to 
what she knows, a casual visitor who keeps hearing of Drupal but doesn't 
know anything about it--these are probably not their mostly like main 
interests first. That doesn't mean they aren't important, but I think 
there's a better pitch.

Then, on the main Features page, I get a list of some key individual 
features, but not a feeling for what Drupal can do globally. If we think 
of the About Drupal section as the hook, the main intro marketing piece 
on the site for someone that's looking to find out more about Drupal, 
then what are the key pitch elements to throw out first? What are the 
things that will make the target audience read on? I've read the main 
features page. I still don't have a clear idea of what Drupal can do 
other than the opening paragraph at the beginning of the book. Maybe I 
don't read on anymore?

This might also help. Here is the Drupal home page with the short 
description at the top and the general information about Drupal page 
from a couple of years ago:


The feeling was two years ago that they had to be rewritten for a much 
more general audience, to avoid the developer-centric approach. It feels 
like these revisions are heading back there.

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