[drupal-docs] book module improvements

Gordon Heydon gordon at heydon.com.au
Wed May 18 02:50:44 UTC 2005


Kieran Lal wrote:

> On May 17, 2005, at 7:25 PM, Charlie Lowe wrote:
>>   - import/export content features (OPML)
> As someone who is spending a reasonable amount of time documenting I
> can tell you that writing in the book isn't a lot of fun.  Especially,
> if it's fixed width.  I'd like to be able to export in the morning,
> get on the caltrain without a connection, and check it in when I get
> to work.   Now that would be productive.
> Feel free to export it any acronym you want, as long as I can edit it
> in a text editor and not a browser I'll be happy.  Bonus point's if I
> can spell check it.
Something I have been thinking about a long similar lines, which may be
50% of what you are looking for. I have been toying with the idea of
creating a upload content module so that you could upload the content
that you want to place in a document as a text, word, pdf (?), html file
and the content of it would be included within the body of the node. THe
one problem that I kept coming up against is that you can only upload 1
page at a time.


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