[drupal-docs] comments

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Wed May 18 06:22:37 UTC 2005

Sorry, sent out a draft!

Trying to coordinate three upcoming events at once is making me 
absolutely daffy.  ^.^;

Still, before you start using the forum as a place for posting drafts, 
the workflow should be thought out, ne.  :)


Anisa wrote:

> The way I was rewriting it was mendokusai, but turned the center of 
> the page into a place where you could use HTML.  Again, not saying 
> this is the best way for anything, it's really rather tedious to make 
> the pages initially, but an option anyway.  And you can cut and 
> paste.  ^.^
> You mentioned the forum and the project module...  I think for certain 
> project issues, a message is sent to the list anyway.  But then how do 
> you take that text, with all its links and html, to the book?
> Using Drupal's own features is all well and good, but the point is 
> always to make good documentation.  Ne.  :)  As you noted, a place for 
> drafts is very necessary, and should be considered when thinking up a 
> serious, fluid, workflow.
> Charlie Lowe wrote:
>>Well, there's some discrepency over what the current workflow is for 
>>revising the book with V2 and the wiki going on, too. I'm just following 
>>Djun's lead and the previous process and revising in the existing 
>>handbook and thinking all the documentation should go there.
>>If we were going to go with that, I do think we could use a space for 
>>posting drafts. By that I mean, sometimes we might like to get feedback 
>>on a really rough draft before replacing the original book page. I know 
>>I would. Plus, having a place to post drafts means that a book page 
>>isn't down because a new version is in the moderation queue waiting to 
>>be approved (this is another issue: not sure we need a moderation queue 
>>so much as a notification engine for revisions and new book pages so 
>>that book maintainers know when changes have been made).
>>The wiki for me is out because
>>(1) I think the process should stay on drupal.org (eat your own dog 
>>food, makes the process more transparent to the community, easier to 
>>keep track of when everything is on drupal.org)
>>(2) the advantage of wiki markup is negated since what goes in the 
>>handbook should have HTML formatting.
>>Two spaces for this on drupal.org: Forums or Project Issues. Now I've 
>>used project issues for documentation construction on http://osddp.org/. 
>>I tend to like using threaded comments for discussion of text over just 
>>the project issue without it. Plus, if a draft is posted as a node in a 
>>forum, it "looks" like it would in the handbook (the project issues have 
>>a different display); the visual similarity helps a little bit, I think. 
>>So for me, I'd probably want to post something to the Documentation 
>>Forum, then notice the doc list for feedback. Easy enough for anyone to 
>>post comments or revisions in the comment space.
>>Anisa wrote:
>>>Hm.  Well, I don't personally think it's an efficient workflow to do 
>>>everything on the wiki and then transfer it over.  It's not a 
>>>particularly efficient kind of wiki.  I don't make it because I think it 
>>>will be better, but just to provide a place in case someone wants to use it.
>>>The current workflow is... what, precisely?

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