[drupal-docs] Versions and translations management for handbook pages

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Thu May 19 08:03:48 UTC 2005

Charlie, I think some of your recap of the reasons for moving to  
shorter shorter admin help were not quite complete.  You probably  
know all this but I just want to make everyone is on the same page.  
The motivation for moving to the admin help standards were: 45% of it  
was missing entirely, there was already active patching efforts to  
reduce the size of admin help by the developers, testing indicated  
documentation was a huge usability issue, we wanted to make the  
documentation scannable, there were no links to assist users in  
completing tasks, it was difficult for the documentation team to make  
changes to admin help, the documentation survey indicated module  
documentation was the most needed documentation, and since we were  
writing handbook pages we might as well link to the more  
authoritative source, the documentation handbooks on drupal.org.

> Let me see if I can summarize Charlie's response into my questions.
> 1) If translators translate admin help and they link to translated
> handbook pages, where will the translated handbooks reside.  Will we
> create branches of the handbooks?
> >>>The translated documents will now have to be the whole handbook  
> page, which begins with the admin help documentation.
> 2) How will we version admin help documentation?
> >>>We are going to create pdf's of older versions of the handbook  
> pages with this admin help documentation and archive them on  
> drupal.org
> 3) How will we show users documents for each version of Drupal?
> >>>The handbooks will be versioned in archived pdfs.

> >>> Regarding changing admin help documentation mid-release, we  
> have to sync the handbook to the release of the software.

Did I get it right?


> -- 
> [ drupal-docs | http://lists.drupal.org/listinfo/drupal-docs ]

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