[drupal-docs] integrating/combining V2 and original handbook

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Thu May 19 21:00:03 UTC 2005

Currently, we have development going in two tracks on V2 and the 
original handbook, mainly in the About section, and we need integration. 
This would have been a task we would have been confronted with 
regardless of whether or not we went with V2.

The good thing to come out of this is that we have two people--Bryan and 
Djun--who have been working hard, developing ideas for revising the 
About section. They can now work together instead of in parallel. Both 
should have ideas that can inform the other's viewpoint, thus 
facilitating the creation of a better About section.

So I'm hoping that the two of you will both continue to work on this 
section and take charge of this section as a team. You could choose to 
follow Bryan's outline, borrow from mine, use what Djun has already 
created in his reorganization. But please if you would, provide the rest 
of the document team a new outline with some explanation of your choices 
so that we can offer feedback and assist in the process. I've said 
already, and firmly believe, that this the most difficult section of the 
handbook to revise because it is a marketing text. I'm sure we could 
help out.

Dries has provided us a link to the recent changes in V2:


This should assist in the changes.

If either of you feel like you would prefer not to work on the About 
section, please let me know so that we can seek a volunteer (if no 
volunteers, I'll be glad to jump in). I would also say that once Bryan 
and Djun have developed their strategy for the About section, other's 
should contact them if they would like to volunteer in assisting to 
rewrite any particular pages.

Charlie Lowe

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