[drupal-docs] [drupal-devel] drupal.org front page should be for potential users, not developers

Andre Molnar mcsparkerton at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 19 18:20:02 UTC 2005

Nedjo Rogers wrote:
> I'm thinking we need to fundamentally rethink drupal.org.  As things stand,
> the front page (indeed, the site as a whole) reads as if it were primarily
> aimed at two groups: (a) drupal developers, and (b) drupal users.
Not quite so...

Everything "above the fold" i.e. the first thing anyone sees when they 
hit Drupal.org - is exactly what you ask for...

"Visit the theme garden - a showcase of beutiful themes

Drupal.org is the official website of Drupal, an open source content 
management platform.
Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal can support a variety 
of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven 
websites.  More:    * About Drupal    * Screenshots    * Drupal sites 
  * Features

Download Drupal"

Who, What, Why, When and Where are all covered and are the first things 
people see...

Remembering back to the day I first visited the site, I can honestly say 
I found everything I was looking for right away.  Only later did I check 
out all the other stuff on the main page... and by then it all made 
sense to me.


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