[drupal-docs] Drupal Drops Newsletter - May 23, 2005 - Draft

Robin Monks devlinks at gmail.com
Fri May 20 22:21:45 UTC 2005

I'm afraid I don't like this. I like the idea of a community newsletter. The 
idea your suggesting is a sub-main-index, and this isn't want the newsletter 
was deigned for. We might experiment with other ideas, but I don't think 
this is a viable option.


On 5/20/05, Boris Mann <borismann at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20-May-05, at 8:55 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:
> >
> > On 19 May 2005, at 18:09, Robin Monks wrote:
> >
> >>> The best part, you help write it! We get all our content from
> >>> forum posts, changlelogs and monthly contributors. This means
> >>> that we are a completely community-powered newsletter.
> >>>
> >>
> >> I thought there was going to be the story type, put into a
> >> submission queue. Have you noticed this is the part I'm interested
> >> in? This will be a way for people to submit focused, longer article
> >> length content. Are the category terms set up yet? Need a
> >> description of how to do these submissions.
> >>
> >> This is in Dries teritory. It sounds good, but remember, it has to
> >> go into one page/email newsletter. So normal cateogries might not
> >> do the job. Dries, please fill in here.
> >>
> >
> > Boris, are you suggesting that we drop the newsletter idea and enable
> > stories with community moderation? What stories would be 'news
> > items' and how to they flow to the newsletter? I'm not sure I fully
> > understand the workflow you envision. Please elaborate.
> No. The newsletter stays as is -- a monthly (every 2 weeks, whatever)
> summary of stuff that's going on in the Drupal universe, aimed mainly
> at those that don't use RSS (or can't be bothered to check up with
> everything). Robin could hilight/select some of the stories in the
> newsletter.
> > I was thinking of enabling the story module and have Robin post
> > "newsletter stories". The stories would be tied to a new
> > 'Newsletter' taxonomy term. It does not involve community moderation
> > and post access would be restricted.
> "Newsletter" would be one of the story terms, and Robin would post
> when he emails it out. Other terms would include "Best Practices",
> "Tutorials", "Case Studies", (maybe even move "News and Events" out
> of the forums) etc. Anyone could post, but it would go in the
> submission queue. The docs team would review and approve posts.
> So...no community moderation (the doc team approves, just like
> approval of book pages currently). I wrote this suggestion up in more
> detail on the docs list previously.
> --
> Boris Mann
> http://www.bmannconsulting.com
> --
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