[drupal-docs] Round 4 of documentation sprint Admin help: merging into the handbook

puregin puregin at puregin.org
Tue May 24 07:56:35 UTC 2005

Sounds good to me.


      2.  The Drupal modules and features section of the Administrator's 
is a bit of a hodge-podge; it needs some re-organization, IMO.
[Kieran - one approach might be to group modules from the card-sorting
exercise we discussed off-list]

      5.  Let's have the old and new pages be parallel, rather than 
the old one be a child of the new - we can re-name the old text
with a version (e.g.,  Events (v4.5)), until we decide where the
old text should go?

On 23 May 2005, at 9:12 PM, Kieran Lal wrote:

> Hi, I am beginning round 4 of the Drupal admin help documentation 
> sprint.   I figured it would take at least 5 revisions to make it 
> work, so we are getting close to the end.
> Here's the plan:
> 1) Change the handbook links for Drupal core to point to the existing 
> relevant handbook pages.
> 2) Change the titles of the  Drupal handbook » Administrator's guide » 
> Drupal modules and features to start with the module name: a brief 
> phrase.
> 3) Move the configuration and customization handbook contributed 
> modules section: http://drupal.org/handbook/config/contribmodules to 
> the existing handbook http://drupal.org/node/279 (Djun)
> 4) Move sprint admin help text to the top of the existing handbook 
> pages.
> 5) Move the old admin help that exists to a sub page of the handbook 
> module page.
> 6) Review the admin help text for readability.
> 7) Coordinate new handbook module writing instructions with Anisa and 
> Charlie.
> 8) If possible, change the relative links in the handbook, to bread 
> crumbs format.  page >> page >> page.
> As always, help is needed.
> Cheers,
> Kieran

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