[drupal-docs] Admin help longs to be read by skilled Drupal user

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sat May 28 14:40:35 UTC 2005

Can we make the titles shorter?  The book module one is particularly 
needlessly long.

For example:
blocks: sidebar content
blog: a blog for every user
comment: allow comments on content (<- this sucks but is better than 
discussion boards for nodes ;p)
Locale: multi-language support
Node: all content
Search: search your site

There are a couple of others that stand out as needing to be a bit 
better.  Ie, Taxonomy, Path, *BOOK*.

The statistics title is cute, but... 

Where was that wiki again?  ^.^;;  Maybe I don't have much right to 
complain because I didn't help much (it's a rare day I leave work before 
9 pm these days >.<  working 12 hour days at 23, where's the justice in 
that? ;p), but there is a *lot* of unnecessarily technical language in 
there, and references to things the end user may not know, and for 
Drupal purposes, does not need to know. 

Drupal loads a little slow when I go to the edit page, I wonder why that is.

What to do with unresolved comment questions that are really support 
questions in disguise?

Path describes the permissions associated with the module, but other 
help texts do not.  Useful feature.

Somehow I think this could all be made more readable...


Kieran Lal wrote:

>Howdy, 203 of you completed the Drupal documentation survey and told  
>us that the number one thing you wanted was module documentation.
>The goal of this admin help documentation is:
>1) Provide documentation for Drupal modules.
>2) Improve the usability of the admin help.
>3) Improve the documentation teams ability to work with admin help by  
>single sourcing it from the documentation handbook.
>Here is the documentation for Drupal core:http://drupal.org/handbook/ 
>Here is the documentation for some of Drupal contributions: http:// 
>The handbook module pages start with executive summaries that are  
>also admin help.  Pretty clever, don't you think.  The handbooks are  
>currently under development, stay tuned for more improvements.  It  
>would be greatly appreciated if knowledgeable Drupal users could read  
>some of them and report back on where they are wrong.
>If you need a site to confirm this documentation, create an account  
>on: http://demo.civicspacelabs.org/home and send me a link to your  
>profile.  I'll make sure you get the access you need to confirm the  
>documentation is accurate.
>Thanks for you help,

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