[drupal-docs] Admin help longs to be read by skilled Drupal user

Anisa mystavash at animecards.org
Sun May 29 04:16:30 UTC 2005

Kieran Lal wrote:

>On May 28, 2005, at 7:41 AM, Anisa wrote:
>>Can we make the titles shorter?
>Yes, shorter is better, except when less comprehensible.  As you can  
>tell, I just plain ran out of clever things to say by the time I got  
>to the S's.  I'll make your suggested changes and any one else's  
>suggested changes for handbook titles.
>>For example:
>>blocks: sidebar content
>>blog: a blog for every user
>Blog was the most looked up word in 2004, I suspect that lot's of  
>folks will read this as, blah: blah for every user.
Is 'weblog' more descriptive than 'blog'?  I only chose blog here 
because it's two characters shorter.  ;)

>>comment: allow comments on content (<- this sucks but is better than
>>discussion boards for nodes ;p)
>>Locale: multi-language support
>>Node: all content
>>Search: search your site
>Should you use the word that you are trying to elaborate on.  I guess  
>it's ok.
Honestly, search doesn't really need a tag line, but if you're going to 
use it...  right now it says internal site search system, you could 
conceivably take out site, and have internal search system, which, by 
the by, also uses the word search.  ;)

>>There are a couple of others that stand out as needing to be a bit
>>better.  Ie, Taxonomy, Path, *BOOK*.
>Book got orphaned.  I'll see what I can do. I'll try and rewrite  
>Taxonomy and Path.
I couldn't think of good suggestions, sorry!  But the Bryght docs said 
something about human, readable urls, so maybe...  easy to read URLs?  
URL aliasing doesn't suggest much to me. 

>>The statistics title is cute, but...
>not as good as what you were going to suggest....
^.^  site logs?

>>Where was that wiki again?  ^.^;;
>It died the death of being an inferior solution.

>>  Maybe I don't have much right to
>>complain because I didn't help much (it's a rare day I leave work  
>>9 pm these days >.<  working 12 hour days at 23, where's the  
>>justice in
>>that? ;p),
>Oh please, you are a slave driver. ("Can we write some documentation  
Hah!  Writing Drupal documentation is a helluva lot easier than trying 
to prepare a 3 hour program that is supposed to be enjoyed by people 
from age 4 to 73.  I've faced down 270 middle schoolers all at once but 
at least they're all the same.

>>but there is a *lot* of unnecessarily technical language in
>>there, and references to things the end user may not know, and for
>>Drupal purposes, does not need to know.
>Ok, tell me and I'll remove it or rewrite it.
^.^  I can fix it, and you can fix my fixes.

>>Drupal loads a little slow when I go to the edit page, I wonder why  
>>that is.
>>What to do with unresolved comment questions that are really support
>>questions in disguise?
>So one of the great things about being in charge or volunteering is  
>you get to do stuff, like go through the handbook and delete  
>comments.  Have fun!
hmmm...  OK, I will delete comments that are really old and support 
questions that either have been answered or are old...  If there is any 
good info I will try to save it.  Consequently, I have deleted all the 
comments from the book module page.  The book module I generally understand.

In the aggregator module, though, there are some comments that talk 
about 'bundles'...  Is that term still used in Drupal now?  Maybe I just 
don't remember it...  Isn't that 'categories' really?  Maybe I will make 
a seperate post on it.

>>Path describes the permissions associated with the module, but other
>>help texts do not.  Useful feature.
>Yeah, I decided to not include permissions in the admin help for now  
>because it was so redundant, although not obvious.  The exception is  
>Node Privacy By Role which requires not just permissions but is  
>disabled unless explicitly enabled in it's administration interface  
>which is not the norm.
Maybe a sub page on associated permissions?  Honestly, it's hard to know 
exactly what each permission does without looking at the code, so I do 
think it's good stuff to have. 

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