[drupal-docs] introduction

Laura Scott laurascott at mailspot.org
Mon May 30 21:20:50 UTC 2005


I'm Laura. My company is pingV <http://pingv.com>. I was recruited by 
Charlie Lowe to help on the documentation effort for Drupal. I'm a bit 
late in responding as I'm pretty busy building a business, as well as 
working on a theme to contribute to the community. But I want to help if 
I can.

I'm not sure where or how to contribute in this effort. I've edited a 
magazine and written quite a bit over the years. In general I know 
grammar pretty well -- though I'm something of an iconoclast when it 
comes to punctuation. (Less is more, if you ask me.)

My business is interactive media. Much of that focuses on what the user 
experience might be. A really cool feature isn't any help if nobody 
cares to use it. I think the same can be said for documentation. I've 
noticed that much of the documentation is written by programmers for 
programmers. Over the past few months I've learned to interpret that 
into something I can understand. But to be useful to future users, 
admins and even developers, I feel that parts of the handbook and module 
instructions should be rewritten with these users in mind.

Anyway, that's my philosophy on it all. I have a bachelor's in English 
and a bais towards rhetorical criticism a la Wayne C. Booth. And I have 
a snarky attitude at times, which I endeavor to keep in check.

I will sit back now and read the messages as they come in. (I'm on 
digest mode, fyi.) If I can help in an area -- rewrite a page, for 
example -- give me a holler.


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