[drupal-docs] Drupal in the Java world

Mark Leicester mark.leicester at efurbishment.com
Tue May 31 09:16:42 UTC 2005

Hi there Dries,

Thanks for your kind comments, and also for the heads-up on the Drupal 
ad mention. Introducing a PHP-based CMS into a Java community is an 
interesting political challenge, but the power of the tool itself is 
very compelling. So far, so good. Thanks to everyone for all their hard 
work in making Drupal the nice piece of kit that it is!

Best regards,

On 31 May 2005, at 09:50, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> On 31 May 2005, at 10:11, Mark Leicester wrote:
>> I haven't seen reference on Drupal.org to this yet, so, FWIW Drupal
>> powers two reasonably high profile Java community sites:
>> http://www.springframework.org/ (I don't know who built this - for
>> Spring)
>> http://www.planetcocoon.com/ (I built this - for Apache's Cocoon
>> project)
> I've been reading PlanetCocoon lately -- it's both an interesting and
> beautiful site.  Great work.
> PlanetCocoon also got mentioned on the Drupal ad: see Drupal.org main
> page for detais.
> --
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/
> -- 
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