[drupal-docs] Drupal in the Java world

Liza Sabater blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Tue May 31 14:27:28 UTC 2005

On May 31 2005, at 10:17, Mark Leicester wrote:

> To get the job done
> quickly I used autowitch's awTags[5] modules. I'm watching the free
> tagging implementation develop with interest; coupled with a sprinkling
> of Ajax I'm sure it'll be a killer.

AWW, FUDGE!  I have to wait until I upgrade to the new 4.6-based 
CivicSpace. Pooh. I really, really, really really want it NOW!


As to Google, you are correct. My main blog is still in MovableType, 
only because I can use categories as if they were tags. It's not easy 
to create "categories on the fly" in Drupal. The module stinks. The 
whole taxonomy module --at least the interface -- stinks. You can't 
really put in 10 categs at once and then build from there. It's that 
"one at a time" awfulness --and that's why Drupal sites almost never 
have good categories. It's just cumbersome to create, even internally.

Anyhow, thanks for the heads up. I have to wait until I upgrade --which 
I cannot do easily because I am on CivicSpace :(

But if there is one new module CivicSpace should consider it should 
definitely be a tagging module. Question : can you enter as many tags 
as you want a la delicious?

Liza Sabater
Blog Publisher

AIM - cultkitdiva
SKYPE - lizasabater

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