[documentation] Drupal core admin/help in handbook updated to 4.7

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Tue Nov 22 02:12:21 UTC 2005

Okay. I've gone through and updated all of the core admin/help for 4.7. 
Things that have been done:

* As much as possible, I verified that the documentation is still 
accurate. In that case, I confirmed that what was mentioned is still 
true. I think I probably got it all, but it wouldn't hurt for others to 
read through. However, I could certainly have missed new features that 
should be included in the documentation.

* All pages have been tagged with either 4.7 or 4.7 & 4.6. Some of the 
pages that are tagged only as 4.7 may also be valid for 4.6, but I 
errored on the side of caution.

* All deadlinks have been converted to <strong> elements with specific 
classes so that Angie's script can parse them. There are two different 
cases. The aggregator module is a good example since it uses both:

- all Drupal query URLS have been rewritten as follows:


is written as class


<strong class="drupal_link_admin_aggregator">administer &gt;&gt; 

- urls which are not Drupal URLS, i.e., are not query URLS, but are 
built off the base URL for the site, use a slightly different class 


is written as class


<strong class="drupal_base_cron_php">cron page</strong>


Charlie Lowe

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