[drupal-docs] [drupal-devel] [task] Admin help in core modules

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Wed Sep 21 13:38:26 UTC 2005

Kieran Lal wrote:
> We just completed a review of the comments for the Drupal handbook  
> pages and updated the documentation accordingly. We should now  generate 
> a new patch once we have some peer review of those pages.
> An important part of making admin help useful is updating the in page  
> help text to point to admin help.  As some have commented, they don't  
> use the admin help.  We need to re-educate Drupal users that admin  help 
> has improved and links to the handbook.
> Perhaps we can do this in a couple of phases.  Get some review of the  
> existing patch, commit it.  Update all administration interfaces to  
> point to the new admin help for a module.  Then upgrade it again for  
> the latest improvements after the Docs team has had a few weeks to  
> review these pages.

Right. We need to get the current patch into core ASAP so that

- as Dries mentioned, translators can be begin working with
- we can post an announcement for others to assist in reviewing and 
updating the admin/help for 4.7. I think we have a much better shot at 
soliticiting assistance when others can see it in Drupal.

I would suggest we then target getting all core admin/help updated again 
with a new patch before an RC is released.

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