[documentation] Is Drupal right for you?

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Wed Feb 8 00:47:34 UTC 2006

Hi, during the Drupal documentation session today we heard strong  
feedback that the Drupal handbooks were difficult for new users to  
understand.  We made two observations.  First, many of the most  
popular pages ( http://drupal.org/handbook/most-popular-pages ) were  
related to evaluating Drupal, installing it, and configuring it.   
Many of these pages were redundant.   We also noted that these  
introductory pages did not meet the different needs of audiences.

We decided to improve improve this popular page which didn't really  
answer the question: Is Drupal right for you?

Please review and provide feedback: http://drupal.org/node/22963


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