[documentation] Problem with MIME magic and solution

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Wed Jan 4 19:26:25 UTC 2006

On Wed, 04 Jan 2006 19:44:04 +0100, Morbus Iff <morbus at disobey.com> wrote:

>>> Could we have more information on this, please, with specifically the  
>>> details of how "Apache's MIME magic module is not configured  
>>> correctly"?
>>  No. Sorry, but no as I have no idea. I have not researched this and I  
>> do not have the time to research it.
> Then it's heresy, and should not be documentation.

Heresy? What has religion has to do with this.

Let me repeat this. On certain installs, Drupal upload do not work unless  
you disable mime_upload_type.

This was my last mail on this issue. And if no solution appears by the  
time 4.7 is released, I will unsubscribe from the docs list. You folks  
never replied to my mails before and now when you do, there is little  
thanks in it. I only tried to help.

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