[documentation] Hitchhikers guide to Drupal

Robert Castelo robert.castelo at cortextcommunications.com
Sat Jan 7 01:52:25 UTC 2006

On 6 Jan 2006, at 20:31, Laura Scott wrote:

> -1 for "hitchhikers" which sounds parasitic

Do most people really think of hitchhikers as 'parasites'?

For me it sounds adventurous, and has altruistic connotations - people 
hitchhike when they're young, then later on in life give rides to 
hitchhikers because of memories of the kindness shown to them. Which 
somewhat ties in with the spirit of the Drupal community.

I like the hitchhiking metaphor, but I think it was over used in the 
previous versions. I've added Jeremy's version, edited it slightly 
reducing the use of the hitchhiking metaphor.

Also changed the title to: "Hitchhiker's guide to the Drupal community" 
- as this page is about the community, not about the application - 
still snappy but gives better idea of the content.

Still thinks this needs more polish. Anything else anyone wants to 

Best regards,


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