[documentation] Real newbie documentation

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 7 13:15:10 UTC 2006

Op vrijdag 06 januari 2006 22:39, schreef Kieran Lal:
> Dries has generously provided a list of the most popular pages.
> http://drupal.org/handbook/most-popular-pages

Kudos to Dries for the new pages he made! they are extremely usefull.

What I conclude from the top pages, is that
* Nearly the whole top 30 is about the basics of installing Drupal!
* The most comments appear on the basic installing-Drupal pages.
* A lot of comments contain Stupid Questions or at least FAQs. Too often, 
however, people actually answer them. It is then hard to remove the offending 
comments [1]. Result: a lot of comments that are OT.
* the pages with lots of comments, attract more commenters. pages w. 2-3 
comments contain most often comments on the actual content. pages w > 5 
comments seem to contain a lot of support comments.

I learn from this, that we a) need to delete more comments. We now have the 
overview page, so it should not be too hard. b) Need to focus on the newbie 
and installation docs. Maybe even more then we already do :(. 

I am an active comment-deleter. I delete comments on an almost daily basis. :) 
But often I feel like an ++sh+le doing that, since I delete them for good. 
However, support is support. and should not live as comments in the handbook. 
Is that attitude good? Or should I be nicer and rather leave the comments?


[1] We issue a lot of warnings about *not asking questions

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