[documentation] welcome to drupal introduction help

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 14 11:26:00 UTC 2006


Every time when I set up a new dupal site, that rather unfriendly front-page 
help struck me.
I therefore made a patch to move this into the help hooks so that the doc team 
can change this in that *shazam, here is your most coolio drupal site ever. 
here are some hints to get going quick.* text we very much need.

I also decided to render that same text as the first paragraph on 

Please comment on that issue.

Please tell me if I am correct when I state that the scripts we use to sync 
handbooks <> modle help can handle the admin/help#introduction in the 
help_system hook.


 PGP ber at webschuur.com
 PGP berkessels at gmx.net

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