[documentation] Links to module pages from contributed modules

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Sun Jan 15 04:33:19 UTC 2006

I integrated some comments from a user on the audio module page  
(http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/audio) -- the user had linked to  
the audio module page, since there isn't one on the page or any of  
the contrib module pages, as well as links to "related" modules.

I'm not a huge fan of how the link to the module page links (at the  
bottom, with strong tags -- I debated between top and bottom). I do  
like the list of "Related Modules".

I was thinking of going through and adding links to project pages at  
the very least. Opinion on link and related modules?

Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747 San Francisco 415-367-3595
SKYPE borismann

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