[documentation] How to get more people involved with documentation

Luiz lz_listas at yahoo.com.br
Sat Jun 24 19:24:01 UTC 2006

Luiz wrote:
> I am seeing many efforts from you to improve of the documentation.
> It's very good, but in my humble opinion the book page is the wrong 
> "fundation". Many peoples already said the same.
> You are trying to reform a great building which have sixty floors, but 
> the foundation only can "manage" 2 floors.

Gary wrote:

 >I agree with you that the book pages on drupal.org aren't adequate,
 >though I'm not sure I agree with the details of your analysis.
 >A significant part of the problem is just the design of the site. 
 >Three columns doesn't leave enough room in the center for tables or >code
 >examples, with the result that I often see content obscured by the >right
 >hand column.  Even when that doesn't happen, the sidebars are too
 >visually distracting.  The next page link wraps under the previous page
 >link, and the applicable version links flow into the main text.  I >could
 >go on, but the point is that it's not simply a problem with the Book
 >node type, and just changing the stylesheet could be a big >improvement."


Dear Gary

I agree new design can improve navegability, but it must be forgotten 
the use of book pages on this new design.

The problem is book page is based in "child-links" on "father-links", 
and now we perceive documentation is not well made making this manner. 
This structure makes the links "prisioners" each others.

I think the nodes (links) on documentation must be "free", and both 
following ideas 1)to use html pages "builded on hands" to "join" this 
pages or 2) to use a simple wiki are the best ideas than use of book pages

Moreover, the left menu showing the link titles is confuse and caotique. 
The links titles are large on left menu. It is bad to navegability. And 
more, when we "jump" to a link related to other "father-link" of branch, 
the left menu changes, the peoples lose the references: "where I am now?".

I would like to invite a good designer (stranger to Drupal.org) to see 
the documentation and to listen your opinion on that. How much you bet 
the designer would think about navegability on documentation? The bet 
"it is very bad" would be the winner.

I think mantainers have insistence on book pages by two reasons: 1) they 
think Drupal must show it have all tools solutions to create and manage 
all type of content (it's not true to manag documentation), 2) to have 
best control on material inserted on documentation. The reason 1) 
confronts with good navegability.

So, why do not use a wiki or create a pure html structure? Yes, the 
second solution is more hardous, but the navegability is increased much 
more and the subjects are more easy to find it.



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