[documentation] Proposal to open up editing rights
Wolf Zirbs
wolf.zirbs at gmail.com
Sun Aug 31 01:21:52 UTC 2008
---> One big plus + to Talk system. IMHO is a very good base to start
for the very reachfull feedback.
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Lee Hunter <lee.hunter at hum.com> wrote:
> There are two features of Wikipedia that I sorely miss in the Drupal docs.
> One is the existence of a "Talk" page on a separate tab with each
> article. This is one of the best ways I've seen to gather comments and
> suggestions. With only the "comments" feature enabled (the status
> quo), you wind up with just a linear and sequential view of everything
> everyone ever said about the article. With the Wikipedia style Talk
> page, anyone could refactor and archive old conversations and you
> could put more important stuff (like a "to do" list for the article)
> at the top and important contributions to the dialog could be
> highlighted and flagged.
> The other thing I sorely miss from Wikipedia, is the ability to add
> ad-hoc categories and sub-categories. The current information
> architecture of the Drupal documentation (especially outside the
> developer docs) is - and I'm struggling to be diplomatic here - just
> horrible horrible horrible horrible. And it seems that gaining
> consensus for major structural fixes is difficult in this kind of open
> source environment. However, if we could use categories like they do
> in Wikipedia (it's actually a kind of hierarchical free tagging) you
> wouldn't necessarily have to change the current information
> architecture at all. The ability to apply multiple tags and to
> organize them in a variety of hierarchies would provide incredibly
> useful ways to navigate the information and it would allow people to
> organically associate related content. The worst thing about the
> current Drupal docs is the amount of related content that has been
> split into meaningless silos. For example, if I'm trying to find
> information about managing users, do I look in HowTos, Tutorials,
> Snippets, Understanding Drupal, Videos and Slides, Getting Started,
> Contributed Modules, Troubleshooting FAQ or all of the above? The
> answer, of course, is "all of the above and a whole lot more". But if
> we had some kind of tagging system, I'd only need to find one
> administering user article and I'd be able to very easily see all the
> rest just by clicking the "managing users" tag. It wouldn't matter
> whether it was a contributed module, snippet, video, tutorial, how to,
> troubleshooting and that's great because when I'm looking for
> something I totally do not care in the least whether somebody else
> considers it a howto, module, tutorial or tomato. As long as it
> relates to my problem, that's what I want to see!
> Lee Hunter
> Technical Editor
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Mike Parisi <mgparisi at rochester.rr.com>
> wrote:
> > The problem with this PHP.org is that some comments are incorrect and
> have
> > to be corrected, no one has permissions to do this so the comments become
> > replies after replies after replies. Maybe we should just give everyone
> > permission to write and edit comments to the documentation. Even give
> them
> > the ability to edit other peoples comments. I know there is some
> > restriction to the API that prevents this so maybe we should just link
> each
> > API and Document to an open WIKI page.
> --
> Pending work: http://drupal.org/project/issues/documentation/
> List archives: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/
Sincerely Best Regards
Wolf J. Zirbs
You may contact me by Mobil - Handy
between 10am and 10pm Vienna Local Time (+43 676 9286735)
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