[documentation] D7 core docs sprint #1

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Mon Aug 3 14:34:39 UTC 2009

> add1sun has posted a Event at http://groups.drupal.org/node/24913
> D7 core docs sprint #1
> ---------------
> As part of the effort to make the Drupal 7 release the best ever, we  
> are going to be doing core doc sprints during the month of August.  
> This sprint will be on Tuesday, August 4 from 7 - 9 pm EDT (find  
> your time) in the #drupal-docs IRC channel on the Freenode network.  
> We'll be focusing on the Core patches that need docs and Core issues  
> in documentation component. We will have at least two mentors on  
> hand to help answer questions and work through the issues with  
> folks, so if you are willing to learn a little, please stop by! If  
> you are familiar with Drupal patches and/or reading code, we'd  
> appreciate the help, even if only for 15-20 minutes or so.

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