[documentation] D7 core docs sprint #1

Jennifer Hodgdon yahgrp at poplarware.com
Tue Aug 4 01:32:13 UTC 2009

The first two scheduled sprints are at reasonable times for people in 
the western hemisphere, but they are in the middle of the night in 
Europe. So I just wanted to suggest maybe a different time for the 
next sprint, more amenable to people who keep daylight-oriented hours 
in Europe, perhaps? Maybe you already thought of this... Anyway, I'm 
offering to potentially mentor a sprint that's more European-timed.

It looks like 7 PM in Paris is 10 AM here in Seattle, which would work 
fine for me, most days, with a bit of advanced warning (self-employed, 
flexible schedule).

Thoughts? Are there folks for whom this time frame would work better 
than the midnight Paris / 4 pm Seattle schedule of the first two sprints?


Jennifer Hodgdon * Poplar ProductivityWare
Drupal, WordPress, and custom Web programming

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