[documentation] D7 core docs sprint #1

Marcello Testi m.testi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 08:03:05 UTC 2009

Il giorno 04/ago/09, alle ore 03:32, Jennifer Hodgdon ha scritto:

> The first two scheduled sprints are at reasonable times for people  
> in the western hemisphere, but they are in the middle of the night  
> in Europe. So I just wanted to suggest maybe a different time for  
> the next sprint, more amenable to people who keep daylight-oriented  
> hours in Europe, perhaps? Maybe you already thought of this...  
> Anyway, I'm offering to potentially mentor a sprint that's more  
> European-timed.

I guess the best would be to have European mentors that manage the  
sprint in Europe (or people like Jennifer who volunteer to take a day  
on/off work from the US). Probably a late afternoon / early night  
start for any sprint is the only way to go, whichever side of the  
ocean you are on (I doubt that we can take full days of work off for  
the sprints). Given time zones sequence, the sprints should begin in  
Europe (I'm talking Euro-centric now; of course it could be extended  
earlier for countries further East of Greenwich), when the US are  
waking up and then pass over to the US in the middle of the (European)  


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