[documentation] Some thoughts

Steven Peck sepeck at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 14:42:22 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:58 AM, adept digital
evolution<techlists at ade.pt> wrote:
> On 08-26-2009 3:04 AM, Steven Peck wrote:
>> Really, there is one point to cover that will actually resolve any
>> arguments otherwise.
>> "yes there have been specific arguments made here against making the
>> docs easier for persons of my experience level (or less), I will go
>> back and quote them for you"
>> It doesn't matter because you can contribute pages on whatever skill
>> level you want.  So  you can scratch your own itch.
> and then have them edited out of existence? it was sad to hear that this
> happened to your efforts, and certainly discouraging. but i will persist in
> my efforts already underway.

Um, you seem to have misunderstood.  Edited out because they were old.
 Absorbed into other content.  They didn't disappear, they were
evolved.  This will happen to your stuff too.

> as for a secret/separate/cliquish effort, no nothing like that. I made some
> edits and then asked another person from this list to try to install from
> the docs as they stood at that point and send me her feedback.
> community editing is a wonderful thing. the downside is, of course, that
> before you can finish up your effort to a point that a coherent sensible
> document is formed, someone else  might undo changes or make additional
> changes that derail the effort to simplify.... no real response here.

Well that is the downside to uncontrolled environment.

> if you don't need the quotes from this thread that directly object to making
> documents easier and that imply it is a mistake of some sort to think the
> installation guide could or should be easier (that the problem is only with
> the persons trying to follow the guide), then i'll spare both of us our time
> and put it into my actual contribution instead.
> thanks for all your thoughts, Steven
> kazar
> --
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