[documentation] Collecting Drupal presentations / videos / resources together in one sane place

George g at 8vue.com
Wed Feb 4 21:36:38 UTC 2009

Yeah, Addi's hit on the important point of time consumption. That's why 
I was thinking it's important to 'use' the community as much as 
possible, allowing it to add new videos (trusted members though) to 
allow the site to grow.

Addi's also hit upon something I didn't think about, and that was the 
forking of the comments for each video. Good point - thanks! maybe it 
would be better to leave it off for the resources. or, someway to track 
the comments on the original site...

Defining a clear set of rules for QC would be difficult, I would assume 
as we have different learning styles, some prefer visual, audio, or 
kineasthetic means of learning, we may favour different explanations of 
a question depending on these styles. So, it may be good to have 
different persons 'reviewing'. That way, if users find they favour one 
particular style, they can look at that particular reviewer for videos.

After spending 5 hours producing a video which explains (badly) how to 
create a recipe cck node type, a video producer could be pissed off with 
it being rejected, so maybe to allieviate this, implement a 
gold/silver/bronze rating to 'shut them up' and to not put them off for 
the future? they could in 3 months time be producing better vids, which 
they'd be feeding directly to the site.

I think a bookmark site is useless for research / help. With 200 
gabazillion bookmarks, and seeing 4,999 'resources' tagged under cck 
wouldn't turn me on.

in summary, a one-size-fits-all site is prolly not going to be 
effective, a traditional user-voted content site will be at risk of 
being manipulated, so it's finding a happy medium between these two. 
Also, i need to prevent putting people off from submitting resources to 
the site - so constructive criticism should be given where necessary.

On paper it could be a lot of things, so i'm going to try and start with 
the core goal, and hopefully work outwards!

Any other ideas/suggestions?

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