[support] cron job crashing server, and how many users is too many?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Feb 22 09:37:45 UTC 2007

Op donderdag 22 februari 2007 02:22, schreef Grandmother Spider:
> > php_value memory_limit 128M
> Is that wise?

No. That is not solving the problem, its only hiding the consequences of the 

My advice: iterate trough the contributions: statr with none, see if the 
problem occurs, switch one (or two) on, see again etc. A lot of work.

If you are a bit more PHP savvy, i'd advice to read trough the code. I see  
several modules wich I refuse to deploy on my hosting system / servers for 
reasons ranging from 'very ugly code' to 'badly designed interfaces'. It 
would really not surprise me to find that several modules simlpy load ALL 
users from the database and then walk trough them in php o_O. You see this 
kind of mistakes a lot in contribs. Don't think that because Drpal is well 
coded, the people that use it are good coders too. 

Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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